Status: Archived
Approved Date: May 25, 2022
Trial Work Experience Used for Eligibility and/or Priority Group Assignment
1. After initial meeting, disability verification documentation is received (school records, medical, psychological, work history, summary of observations, and BPQY, etc.), if ability to benefit from competitive integrated employment or priority group status remains unclear, team discussion must occur outlining the next steps towards this determination.
2. For the best possible community match and most appropriate supports to be arranged, VR Specialist will schedule with applicant an interest and daily living activity unless related information is readily available and current (within the last two years). After conversation with the individual and available documents have been reviewed, including school and medical records, work history, and summary of observations, proceed with the following:
3. All efforts will be made to match the applicant’s vocational themes, availability within the community of residence, abilities, and capacity to perform in a realistic work setting to the TWE.
4. Business Account Manager or VR Specialist will locate an employer willing and able to provide a trial work experience and who has the capacity to accommodate all necessary supports, including initial job or task analysis, to allow full participation.
5. Negotiate essential details of the TWE (start and end dates, evaluation schedule, knowledge, skills, abilities and/or behaviors to be assessed, goals of TWE, and the agreed upon level of follow-up). Very regular contact with employer and job coach is expected of the VR Specialist. At minimum, first day contact and weekly contact thereafter is required.
6. Complete all required forms and obtain signatures from applicant, authorized representative, and VR representative. Provide copies to appropriate individuals as specifically indicated on each document.
7. Enter the Assessment Service, Trial Work Experience, into QE2.
8. Enter a task note into QE2 at the start of a Trial Work Experience, articulating a clear purpose and expected outcome. Refer to Trial Work Experience Agreement.
a) Define general on and off-site objectives for the applicant specific to:
b) Career counseling, self-advocacy, self-determination, and peer mentoring will be made available on the worksite when possible or through information and referral.
c) Indicate that the rationale and objectives have been discussed with the applicant, authorized representative, job coach, and employer.
9. At minimum, VR Specialist will have contact the first day and weekly thereafter to review progress with applicant, job coach, and employer; however, more frequent contact is encouraged. If in-person monitoring is not feasible, phone, e-mail, or virtual contact is documented. VR Specialist will consult with employer and job coach in order to complete On-the-Job Report bi-weekly. Provide copies to applicant, authorized representative, DD service coordinator, and I/DD service provider, as applicable.
10. Process Completion or Termination of TWE.
11. VR Specialist will utilize On-the-Job Report(s) to complete the TWE, OJE, or WBLE Observation section of Vocational Evaluation Report:
a) Evidence how well the objectives were met
b) Discuss job planning and readiness issues identified
c) Identify ‘Next Step’ action(s) if possible
Outline clear and convincing evidence why the applicant can or cannot benefit from Nebraska VR services, or additional information determining priority group status, as evidenced by a description of current and previously collected assessment documentation, including but not limited to TWE(s), On-the-Job Report(s), task analysis summary, objectives of TWE, employer feedback, behavior and attitude of applicant, etc. Acknowledge career counseling, self-advocacy, self-determination, and peer mentoring, if provided.
*Upload copies of On-the-Job Report(s) to Vocational Evaluation report.
Able to benefit from Nebraska VR Services
Unable to benefit from Nebraska VR Services
After application to Nebraska VR, Trial Work Experiences (TWE) may be used to determine eligibility and/or priority group status for individuals with significant disabilities if observation and review of available records is not sufficient.
An individual with a disability may be determined as either unable to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in terms of an employment outcome because of the severity of the individual’s disability, or eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. Prior to making either of these determinations, exploration of the individual’s abilities, capabilities, and capacity to perform in realistic work situations must be explored.
Trial Work Experiences must be provided in competitive integrated employment settings to the maximum extent possible (unless health and/or safety measures preclude participation in a TWE), consistent with the informed choice and rehabilitation needs of the individual. Appropriate supports necessary to accommodate the rehabilitation needs of the individual during the trial work experience must be provided.
Appropriate Supports
Appropriate supports must be individualized and may include, but are not limited to:
Background Screening Required by the Employer
In TWE situations where the employer requires a background screen, VR may conduct the background screen for the employer. VR must inform employers that our background screens are limited in scope and may not include all charges. In situations where employers wish to complete their own screen, VR can reimburse for the cost of the screen.
Length and Duration of TWE
During this time, all eligibility and eligibility extension requirements still apply. If a TWE is required and cannot be completed within the 60 day timeframe, an eligibility extension would be required.
Trial Work Experiences must be of sufficient variety and over a sufficient period of time. Additional sites may be considered in order to identify clear and convincing evidence that an individual can or cannot benefit from the provision of vocational rehabilitation services in terms of an employment outcome.
New forms must be completed for each additional site and a separate Assessment Service, Trial Work Experience, must be added in QE2.
Supervision and Injury/Accident Reporting
The VR agency is responsible for the general supervision of the applicant at the TWE site.
Liability coverage for this arrangement is covered by the State of Nebraska's blanket accident policy. Call 1-800-346-7692 and hit #1 for Claims. Policy Holder: State of Nebraska Policy Number: SRG 0009141321-B.
Follow-up by completing and submitting the attached Client Incident/Accident/Injury Report form.
Termination of TWE
A TWE may be terminated at any point at discretion of VR Specialist, employer, applicant, or authorized representative.
All Trial Work Experiences are unpaid.