Where your future begins

Case Services

Name Action
Application to Employment Program Show
Eligibility Show
Eligibility Extension Show
Initial Meeting Show
Order of Selection (OOS) Show
Referral Process Show
Reopening a VR Case Show
Section 511: CCIR- Career Counseling and Information & Referral (attachment) Show
TWE- Trial Work Experience Show


Name Action
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Show
IPE Amendment Show
IPE Annual Review Show
IPE Extension Show
IPE Services Show
Ticket to Work Show
Name Action
Benefits Analysis Services Show
Business Account Services Show
Certificate Programs Show
Counseling Show
Driver's Education Show
IPE Services Show
OJT - On the Job Training (attachment) Show
Placement Services Show
Post Secondary High School During High School Show
Post-Employment Services Show
Post-Secondary Training Show
Self-Employment Show
Supported Employment Show
Name Action
APP Purchases for Consumers Show
Create Provider Show
Job Coach Guidelines Show
Monitoring Grants & Contracts Show
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Partnership Procurement Show
Remote Interpreting - Sign Language Show
Service Agreements Show
Service Providers Show
Standard Text Show
Name Action
Ineligible, No Longer Eligible Show
Successful Outcome Show
Termination Show
Name Action
Case File Order Show
Case Transfers & Serving Clients in Other Offices Show
Confidential Electronic Client Information Show
Confidentiality and Request for Information Show
Documentation  (attachment) Show
Electronic Case File Show
Exiting Plan for Caseload Coverage Show
Limiting Case Access Show
Signatures Required on VR Documents Show
Name Action
Authorizing Case Services Show
Client Accountability Policy Show
Client Appeal Rights, Procedures Show
Client Assistance Program Show
Client Contribution Show
Common Performance Measures Show
Comparable Services Show
Criminal History and Background Screening Show
Equipment Issuance and Recoupment Show
Exceptions and Approvals Show
Foreign Language Translation Services Show
Mediation Show
Sex Offender Policy (attachment) Show
Suicide Intervention Policy Show
Vested Interest Show
Violent & Disruptive Behavior Show
VR Foundational Concepts Show
Name Action
AgrAbility Show
Assessment for Determining Competitive Integrated Employment Show
Assessment Services Show
Assessment Supports Show
Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) Show
Benefits Orientation Show
Career Pathway Advancement Project (CPAP2.0) Grant Show
Career Planning Show
Driving Control Systems Show
Hearing Aids (attachment) Show
OJE - On-the-Job Evaluation Show
Post Secondary as an Assessment Service Show
TWE- Trial Work Experience Show
Vocational Evaluation Show
Name Action
VR Services in Transition Show

Pre-Employment Transition Services

Name Action
Key Definitions Show
Nebraska VR/NDE Interdepartmental Agreement (attachment) Show
Pre-Employment Transition Services FAQs (Link) Show
Time Certification Guide for Pre-Employment Transition Services Show
Name Action
Student Referral Show
Name Action
Project SEARCH Show
Required, Coordinated and Authorized Pre-Employment Transition Services Show
Work- Based Learning Experience Show
Name Action
VR Application for Students Show
Name Action
Case Closure Show
Reopening Cases Show


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